5 Things to Prepare Your Irrigation System for Summer
When summer hits, it's prime time for irrigation. Not only does the water not seem to stop flowing after winter rains end, but temperatures are consistently higher than normal by dozens of degrees! In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at 5 things every irrigation system owner should know when preparing their system for summer. #1 Start With Checking The Soil Condition The first thing to do is check the soil condition. If you haven’t been irrigating for a long time, the ground may have dried out. This can lead to problems with your irrigation system and crop yields. Start by going around the entire field and taking note of everything that needs attention. Look for areas where there are ditches or drainage systems that need repaving, as well as areas where there are cracks in the soil that allow water to drain away too quickly. For satisfaction inspection and irrigation repair services in Atlanta , always call an expert. Then, take a look at your irrigation system and ma...