5 Things to Prepare Your Irrigation System for Summer

When summer hits, it's prime time for irrigation. Not only does the water not seem to stop flowing after winter rains end, but temperatures are consistently higher than normal by dozens of degrees! In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at 5 things every irrigation system owner should know when preparing their system for summer.

#1 Start With Checking The Soil Condition

The first thing to do is check the soil condition. If you haven’t been irrigating for a long time, the ground may have dried out. This can lead to problems with your irrigation system and crop yields.

Start by going around the entire field and taking note of everything that needs attention. Look for areas where there are ditches or drainage systems that need repaving, as well as areas where there are cracks in the soil that allow water to drain away too quickly. For satisfaction inspection and irrigation repair services in Atlanta, always call an expert. 

Then, take a look at your irrigation system and make sure it is working properly. Check if all valves are turned on and if they are functioning correctly. Also test all spray nozzles, sprinklers, and other components of the system to make sure they are working properly before planting in spring 2023.

5 Things to Prepare Your Irrigation System for Summer
5 Things to Prepare Your Irrigation System for Summer

#2 Inspect the Sprinkler System

Make sure that you have not forgotten any important parts of your irrigation system. For example, if you have a hose bibber (a device used to direct water to specific locations), make sure it's working properly.

Also, inspect the sprinkler heads and hose bibbers for any damage — they should be in good condition. If they're damaged, replace them before using them again.

Check the connection between the pump and the irrigation system too. Make sure there are no leaks or cracks in these areas and that they are sealed properly.

You should also check whether all valves on your irrigation system are closed/open properly; if they're not then this can cause problems during summer as there will be a lot of pressure in these areas leading to leakage of water from pipes or other components of your system.

#3 Inspect Your Drip Systems

A quick inspection of your drip system can help prevent problems in the summer months.

If you have a drip irrigation system, inspect it regularly to ensure that it's still functioning properly. This should be done at least once a month during the winter when there's less water pressure in your home.

Look for any leaks or drips that may be occurring, and fix them immediately. If you find any problems, contact a professional irrigation contractor who can diagnose the problem and fix it before it becomes a bigger problem later on.

#4 Check the Backflow Prevention Device

If you live in an area where there is a lot of water pressure, it’s important to make sure that your irrigation system has a backflow prevention device. This device prevents water from flowing backward into your home during periods of high pressure. If there isn’t a backflow prevention device on your irrigation system, the force of the water could cause damage to pipes or even cause flooding in your home. You can improve your home's irrigation system with our expert tips.

The most common type of backflow prevention device is called a check valve. Check valves are used in plumbing systems to prevent water from flowing up against them and causing damage. You can find these types of check valves at hardware stores or online; they come in different sizes so you can choose one that fits your needs best.

If you have questions about how best to use a backflow prevention device, ask your local plumber or irrigation repair in Atlanta for advice!

#5 Perform a General System Test

Your irrigation system should always be tested before the season begins. The purpose of a general system test is to ensure that your irrigation system is working properly and that you have all of the proper parts and pieces.

This will help you avoid any potential problems that may arise during the summer months. If you notice anything abnormal with your irrigation system, then it's important to take immediate action.

You should also perform a general system test if you've recently installed new components or add-ons such as sprinklers or controllers. These additions can sometimes cause issues when they're not properly installed or maintained by professionals.

Final Thoughts

It's hard to overstate the need for planning and preparation when it comes to your irrigation system. A simple task like springtime system inspection can avoid weeks or even months of headaches down the road. In addition, if you take the time to prepare your system for summer, you'll be able to enjoy an extra season without worrying about how to fix problems in the summer heat. If your irrigation system isn't in good working order for summertime, it's already time to start preparing for the upcoming rainy season. Also, it is highly advisable to consult a qualified expert for irrigation repair in Atlanta.


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